sâmbătă, 31 mai 2008

Dogs - by Pink Floyd

De pe albumul "Animals", reluam una dintre cele mai semnificative piese a celor de la Pink Floyd, "Dogs", o exceptionala mostra de progressive rock pinkfloydian. Auditie placuta!


For Pink Floyd, space has always been the ultimate escape. It still is, but now definitions have shifted. The romance of outer space has been replaced by the horror of spacing out. This shift has been coming for a while. There was Dark Side of the Moon and "Brain Damage," Wish You Were Here and the story of founding member Syd Barrett, the "Crazy Diamond." And now there's Animals, a visit to a cacophonous farm where what you have to watch for is pigs on the wing. Animals is a song suite that deals with subjects like loneliness, death and lies. "Have a good drown," they shout dolefully as you drop into the pit that is this album: "Have a good drown as you go down all alone/Dragged down by the stone ... stone ... stone ... stone ... stone ..." Thanks, pals, I'll try. It's no use. Like all Floyd records, this one absorbs like a sponge, but you can still hear the gooey screams of listeners who put up a fight. What's the problem? For starters, the sax that warmed Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here has been replaced by a succession of David Gilmour guitar solos—thin, brittle and a sorry substitute indeed. The singing is more wooden than ever. The sound is more complex, but it lacks real depth; there's nothing to match the incredible intro to Dark Side of the Moon, for example, with its hypnotic chorus of cash registers recalling the mechanical doom that was Fritz Lang's vision in Metropolis. Somehow you get the impression that this band is being metamorphosed into a noodle factory. Maybe that shouldn't be surprising. Floyd was never really welcomed into the Sixties avant garde: space rock was a little too close to science fiction for that. But the extraordinary success of Dark Side of the Moon (released nearly four years ago, it's still on the charts) culminated almost a decade of ever-expanding cult appeal and gave the band an audience that must have seemed as boundless as space itself. The temptation to follow through with prefab notions of what that audience would like—warmed over, spaced out heavy-metal, in this case—was apparently too strong to resist. Even worse, however, is the bleak defeatism that's set in. In 1968 Floyd was chanting lines like: "Why can't we reach the sun? / Why can't we throw the years away?" This kind of stuff may seem silly, but at least it wasn't self-pitying. The 1977 Floyd has turned bitter and morose. They complain about the duplicity of human behavior (and then title their songs after animals—get it?). They sound like they've just discovered this—their message has become pointless and tedious. Floyd has always been best at communicating the cramped psychology that comes from living in a place like England, where the 20th century has been visibly superimposed on the others that preceded it. The tension that powers their music is not simply fright at man's helplessness before technology; it's the conflict between the modern and the ancient, between technology and tradition. Space is Floyd's way of resolving the conflict. Of course, space doesn't offer any kind of real escape; Pink Floyd knows that. But spacing out is supposed to. (Spacing out has always been the idea behind space rock anyway.) Animals is Floyd's attempt to deal with the realization that spacing out isn't the answer either. There's no exit; you get high, you come down again. That's what Pink Floyd has done, with a thud.

FRANK ROSE - http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/pinkfloyd/albums/album/89221/review/5943065/animals

It's A Miracle

Nu puteam sa nu ii pun impreuna pe domnii Waters si Gilmour, cu toate ca s-a intimplat ca uneori, chiar ei doi sa nu se mai suporte impreuna, nici macar pe scena. Un superb exemplu de muzica facuta de Roger Waters, "It's a miracle", auditie placuta!

Je Crois Entendre Encore

Un exemplu de muzica cintata de David Gilmore. Je Crois Entendre Encore. Auditie placuta!

Cornel Chiriac - Evocari (Partea a III-a)

Si cea de a treia parte a emisiunii cu si despre Metronomul lui Cornel Chiriac.

Cornel Chiriac - Evocari (Partea I)

De pe youtube, o emisiune realizata de TVR 2. Se aude pe fundal, vocea lui Doru Ionescu, un excelent realizator de emisiuni de cultura muzicala, omul care a sapat in arhivele televiziunii si a radioului pentru a scoate la lumina adevarate comori.

Cornel Chiriac - Evocari (Partea a II-a)

Partea a II-a a excelentei emisiuni a lui Doru Ionescu, in care este evocata personalitatea lui Cornel Chiriac si emisiunea sa "Metronom" de la Europa Libera.

La Filière Progressive

La filière progressive est une émission de radio qui prend les ondes de CJSO 101,7 fm, à tous les samedis soirs 21 h, et qui est complètement dédiée au « Rock Progressif ».

Animé et co-animé par Jean Doyon et Réjean Charbonneau, « La Filière Progressive » vous fera connaître le « Rock-Prog » d'aujourd'hui et des découvertes intéressantes.



De pe myspace, unul din blogurile care imi plac foarte mult, un blog progresiv, al unui simpatic amator de progrock din Norvegia. Excelent organizat, te determina sa mai treci din cind in cind sa-l mai vizitezi.



Tuturor prietenilor mei care mai trec pe aici din cind in cind, Time, cu formatia Pink Floyd.

David Gilmour blog

Unul din blogurile foarte interesante, din lumea muzicii progresive, este cel al lui David Gilmour.


luni, 26 mai 2008

Pink Floyd Encyclopedia

Pink Floyd Encyclopedia, o carte pe care am primit-o cadou de la simpaticul meu prieten, Gabi A.