sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

Open letter to Mr.Roger Waters - from Romania

Dear Mr. Waters

I’m a Romanian listener of your music, that I appreciate very much and which I think is maybe the best music that was made in our time.

Once, in times of communism, when I was just a teenager, I d’ont have access to your music, because they, our leaders communists thought your music to be forbidden , they considered your music as dangerous for the people, because they desire freedom stirred. In those hard times, young people make big sacrifices to listen your music, (so that listening to your music on the Radio Free Europe), because we, youg Romanian people considered your music a form of escape from the communist camp and did everything possible to have access to music beyond the wall, which they feared so much communists

Times have changed and here again we in Romania, we can not enjoy your music in concert, and do not understand why? Maybe it’s all our fault, I do not know what to say ... Or who knows, maybe blame those who led us, finally, no longer matter, the essential is that we, the youth of thirty or forty years ago, again we do not have access to your live music.

You played in almost all countries around Romania ... Closest to us was your concert in Budapest ... I cried when I could not come to your concert ... And I am sure that my three children have complained for the same reason, even if they told me that ... My children have grown and formed the character with your music.

Please excuse me if you consider my statements too hard, but it seems unfair that again and again, we, humans in this part of the world poor and sad, do not have the opportunity to see you and to listen your music live, in our country. I know that in our country we have a concert hall to meet the necessary conditions for a concert like yours, but if you will ever want to sing in a stadium, I want to inform you that in the shortest time in Romania, in Bucharest, will build a new and very modern stadium, which maybe will be good for you to hold a big, big concert, to the delight of thousands and thousands of people waiting on you thirty years to sing them as only you know to play music.

So, dear Mr. Waters, please to think well to these wonderful people in romania you expect and want you in their country, to sing them, and you make it sing, cry and laugh with you, dear friend ... Be sure you make many people happy if you come, make sure you have received that no one else, make sure that your career will be crowned with great success, if you come into the country which has suffered perhaps more from following the communist time and still suffer.

Romanian listeners of your music, waiting for you here in Romania to demolish the wall that once again separated us for so long times, the wall that separates us even today, since we do not yet have the freedom to enjoy your music and your presence in our country.

Please come to us, and please sing us, please make us to be happy with you and please come to us and be happy together whith us, dear friend ... I hope God give you good health and able to work to fulfill all your plans, and hope that God give you good thought, to come to us to sing as you know most well, for yours Romanians fans.

With love,
Doru Nastase, Romania!

miercuri, 15 iunie 2011

Roger Waters Live - O2 Arena, London, UK

De pe un blog gasit intamplator pe net, un articol care mi-a placut, pe care il postez si eu aici, cu citarea sursei si cu multumiri pentru autorul articolului

Il mai vazusem pe roger waters in concert, in 2007, la budapesta, insa am fost usor dezamagit: trupa cu care canta reproducea aproape nota cu nota solo-urile din celebrele piese pink floyd. fara geniul lui gilmour, wright si mason, desigur. concertul de la londra din acest an a fost special. waters a recreat “the wall“. fara maretia inegalabila a concertului de la berlin din 21 iulie 1990, insa cu logistica si efectele video ale secolului XXI. cele trei concerte de pe O2 arena (suplimentate cu inca doua, datorita cererii imense de bilete) au fost inregistrate si filmate pentru viitorul DVD al turneului.
O2 arena din Londra este coplesitoare. cat un stadion (23.000 de locuri), cu o instalatie de lumini formidabila si cu un sound system impecabil, locul ideal pentru “the wall“. accesul se face civilizat, fara imbulzeala, poti cumpara mancare sau bautura la tot pasul, doar ca – la fel ca in toata anglia – nu se fumeaza nicaieri. am intalnit fani pink floyd veniti din toata europa si – din imensitatea aia de sala – exact in spatele meu s-au nimerit patru romani care n-aveau habar de avertismentul organizatorilor de a nu folosi blitz-urile aparatelor foto in timpul concertului. n-am reusit sa inteleg la ce le-a folosit ca, oricum, pana la scena erau vreo 80 de metri. noroc ca nu i-au observat oamenii de ordine, care i-ar fi scos din sala.

inca de la primele note, pe scena a fost ridicat celebrul zid, pe care se proiectau apoi animatiile binecunoscute. doar de cateva ori au aparut imensele papusi cu aer cald (mama, profesorul, femeia), iar la “run like hell“, un porc imens a plutit deasupra spectatorilor.

toata sala astepta cu sufletul la gura “comfortably numb“. cu trei zile in urma, norocosii fani de la concertul de pe O2 arena au fost zdrobiti: alaturi de roger waters, la tobe a aparut nick mason, iar la chitara insusi david gilmour ! cu totii speram ca minunea sa se repete, dar – vorba lui mason – “enough is enough. we’re english, after all. we don’t do that hugging thing a lot.”

chiar si fara cei doi, show-ul “the wall” construit de roger waters merita toti banii (85 de lire sterline, un bilet intr-o zona decenta). pentru cei ca mine, care au crescut cu pink floyd si au trait cu imensul regret ca formatia s-a destramat inainte ca zidul care ne despartea de lumea civilizata sa cada, ca sa poata ajunge la un concert, este ultima ocazie de a-si implini un vis. chiar daca stim pe de rost fiecare acord din muzica formatiei, nimic nu se compara cu un concert adevarat.

organizarea concertului a fost impecabila pana la capat. intr-un sfert de ora, 23.000 de oameni au iesit din O2 arena si au plecat spre casa cu automobilele sau cu metroul, fara sa se calce in picioare, relaxati si fericiti.

Sursa: http://www.sorinbogdan.ro/2011/05/roger-waters-live-o2-arena-london-uk/comment-page-1/#comment-44101